The Best 14 free Kanban Board Templates

These Kanban board templates are really helpful for organizing your day-to-day life, work, and collaborating with others. Kanban boards are a popular project management tool that facilitates workflow organization and efficiency. Click on 'Duplicate' to use one of our Kanban templates for free.

N°1 : The daily kanban planner template

This kanban board template is designed to help you manage your personal tasks efficiently by organizing them across the week.
Template kanban for daily planner task
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The kanban board is structured as follows:

To Do: A list of tasks that need to be completed but haven’t been scheduled yet.
This is where you’ll add all the tasks you plan to tackle in the coming days.

Monday to friday: These columns represent each day of the week. Once you’re ready to schedule your tasks, you can move them from the "To Do" column to the specific day when you plan to work on them. This daily organization helps ensure that your workload is evenly distributed throughout the week.

Done: Completed tasks. This is our favorite column.

N°2 : The daily task management kanban template

The Daily Task Management Board is a simple yet powerful tool designed to help you manage tasks and stay on top of your daily responsibilities.
Template kanban for daily task
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Inbox: A catch-all column where you can add any incoming tasks or to-do items. This is your starting point for organizing your day, where you gather all the tasks that need attention.

Today: Tasks that you plan to complete by the end of the day are moved here. This column helps you focus on what’s most urgent and ensures that you’re clear on your priorities for the day.

This Week: Tasks that are due within the current week but not necessarily today. This column helps you plan ahead and ensures you’re aware of what needs to be done in the coming days.

In Progress: Tasks that you are actively working on right now. Moving tasks into this column gives you a clear visual of what you’re currently focusing on.

Waiting for Feedback: Tasks that are on hold because they require input, approval, or feedback from others. This column helps you keep track of tasks that are pending external action.

Completed: Tasks that have been successfully and it's time to Ring The Bell !

N°3 : Project management kanban template

Template for organizing projects with your team
Template kanban for project management
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Agile teams can greatly benefit from using this template to enhance productivity and streamline workflows. The Kanban methodology, which focuses on visualizing workflows and setting work-in-progress limits, is effectively applied through this template.

The board is structured with the following columns:

Next meeting: Tasks or topics that need to be addressed or discussed in the upcoming meeting.

To do: Tasks that have been assigned and need to be worked on.

Pending: Tasks that are awaiting further information, approval, or a specific condition before moving forward.

Blocked: Tasks that cannot proceed due to an issue or dependency that needs to be resolved.

Done: Completed tasks that have been successfully finished.

Completed: Tasks that have been successfully and it's time to Ring The Bell !

N°4: The content marketing template

A powerfull kanban template to organize all forms of content marketing
Template kanban for content marketing
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Content ideas: A pool of ideas for blog posts, videos, podcasts, or social media content.

Researching: Content that is in the research phase to gather necessary information.

Creating: Content that is actively being written, recorded, or designed.

Blocked: Tasks that cannot proceed due to an issue or dependency that needs to be resolved.

Editing: Content that is being reviewed and edited for accuracy, tone, and style.

Scheduled: Content that is ready and has been scheduled for publication.

Published: Content that has been published and is live.

Continuous improvement is essential for refining content marketing strategies, using regular reviews and data analysis to identify inefficiencies and enhance performance. This board will help you on this journey.

N°5: The Sales pipeline kanban board

Track and manage your entire sales process
Template kanban for sales pipeline
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Leads: Potential customers or clients who have expressed interest.

Contacted: Leads that have been reached out to via email, phone, or meeting.

Qualified: Leads that have shown a genuine interest and meet the criteria for your product or service.

Proposal Sent: Leads that have received a proposal or quote.

Negotiation: Leads that are in the negotiation phase.

Won: Deals that have been successfully closed.

Lost: Deals that didn’t close, with notes on why they were lost.

N°6: Blog content management kanban board

The kanban board used for managing blog content
Template kanban for blog content
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Ideas: A space for brainstorming and storing potential blog topics and keywords opportunity.

To write: Selected ideas ready to be drafted.

Writing: Posts currently being written.

Review: Drafts under review and editing.

Ready to Publish: Finalized content awaiting publication.

Publish: Content that has been published and is live.

N°7: Technical Development kanban board

The kanban board template used for managing development tasks with a team
Template kanban for development web
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Backlog: List of all features, improvements, and bug fixes that need to be addressed.

To Do: Items from the backlog that have been prioritized and are ready to be worked on.

In Progress: Features or tasks that are currently being developed or worked on.

Code review: Reviewing the code before the testing phase.

Testing: Completed tasks that are now in the testing phase.

Done: Tasks that have been deployed to production and completed.

N°8: Video production YouTube

The free kanban board template used for managing video production for YouTube
Template kanban for video production on youtube
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Ideas: A space for brainstorming and storing potential video topics.

Title: A stage for researching and finalizing the video title.

Thumbnail: Creating and designing the video thumbnail.

Script: Writing the script for the video content.

Recording: Filming or recording the video.

Editing: Editing the recorded video to finalize it for publication.

Published: Videos that have been uploaded and published on YouTube.

N°9: Customer support kanban board

A kanban template to manage your customer support tickets
Template kanban for customer support
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The board is structured with the following columns:

New tickets: Newly submitted customer support tickets that need to be triaged.

To Do: Tickets that have been assigned to support agents for resolution.

In progress: Tickets currently being addressed by support agents.

Waiting on Customer: Tickets that are pending further information or action from the customer.

Resolved: Tickets that have been resolved but are awaiting customer confirmation.

Closed: Tickets that have been fully resolved and closed.

N°10: The Product Launch Kanban Board

A template to streamline the process of launching a new product.
Product launch kanban board template
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Ideation: A place to gather and list all the creative ideas and concepts for the product.

Product Development: Tasks that involve designing, building, and refining the product

Marketing Strategy: Planning and strategizing how the product will be marketed to the target audience.

Launch Preparation: All the final tasks needed to get the product ready for launch, including demos and materials.

Launch Day: Activities and tasks that need to be carried out on the day of the product launch.

Post-Launch Review: Reviewing the launch results, gathering feedback, and identifying next steps.

N°11: Personal Goals & Habits Kanban Board

A kanban template to manage the hiring process from job posting to onboarding.
Goals and habits kanban board example
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Habits to Build: A list of new habits or routines you want to start and maintain.

Daily Routine: Daily tasks and habits that you’re focusing on each day.

Weekly Goals: Specific goals you aim to achieve by the end of the week.

Monthly Milestones: Larger milestones or objectives you’re targeting each month.

Completed Goals: A collection of goals and habits you’ve successfully achieved.

N°12: Hiring Management template

A kanban template to track and manage candidates for a specific job posting, from application to final hiring decision.
Hiring kanban board template
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Candidates: Candidates that have passed the initial review and are being considered for interviews.

Interviews Scheduled: A column for candidates who have interviews scheduled, with notes on times and dates.

Feedback: Where you add notes and feedback after each interview.

Hired: Candidates who have been offered the job and have accepted.

Declined: Candidates who have been reviewed but are not moving forward in the process.

N°13: Social Media Content Calendar Kanban Board

A kanban board to plan, create, and analyze your social media content.
Content social media kanban board template
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Content Ideas: A repository for brainstorming and storing potential content ideas.

In Progress: Content that is currently being created, such as writing, designing, or video editing.

Scheduled Posts: Content that has been completed and scheduled for posting.

Published Posts: Posts that have gone live on social media platforms.

Analytics Review: A place to analyze the performance of published content and gather insights.

Visual project management helps track and analyze social media content performance by allowing teams to easily visualize all project information at a glance.

N°14: The Remote Team Collaboration Board

A kanban board to coordinate tasks and projects with a remote team.
Remote work kanban board
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The board is structured with the following columns:

Task Assignments: Assigning tasks to team members based on their roles and expertise.

In Progress: Tasks that team members are currently working on.

Pending review: Completed tasks that are waiting for feedback or approval.

Completed: Tasks that have been reviewed and finalized.

Feedback & Revisions: A place to provide and act on feedback for tasks that need further work.

Keeping everyone on the same page is crucial for remote team collaboration to ensure smooth project progress and avoid potential bottlenecks.

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